Rock Sawing, Cutting and Bolting

Rock Face
Rock face had to be cut back and stabilised to install hardstand area.
Rock Saw Attachment
Rock Saw attachment was utilised to cut the sandstone face back.
Rock Saw
Rock Saw.
Sandstone Face
Sandstone Face after cutting complete.
Shotcreting required at top of batter and minor rock bolting along face.

The above rock face/ wall and above photos are from a project that was completed at the Sydney suburb of Tempe for a bus depot extension. The design plans had nominated a concrib wall along the rock face. Although during the excavation it was observed the rock face was in good condition and would not require a retaining structure as previously defined. Before the excavation the wall was partly covered with spoil, shrubs and trees, hence it appeared the batter only had minor floating rocks in it. Once the rock face was discovered, a decision was made to delete the concrib wall, cut the wall face back and install rock bolts as assessed by a geotechnical engineer. Also, shotcreting works was undertaken at the top of the batter (which was at street level) as the material was not sound and would erode overtime, if not repaired.