Bus Stop Audits
Project Background
Many bus stops across Sydney and throughout the state are not wheelchair accessible, and there is no consistency in the appearance or layout of bus stops across the network. Transport for NSW is seeking to address this by rolling out new signage at bus stops state-wide.
Program Scope
The roll-out of new bus stop signage includes the identification of a ‘blue zone’ or wheelchair accessible zone at each bus stop to ensure those who use a wheelchair are readily able to access bus passenger transport. This is in keeping with disability standards for accessible public transport (issued under the Disability Discrimination Act).
On behalf of Transport for NSW, TK Business Group audited bus stops across Sydney’s bus network, to identify the optimal location for new signage, considering wheelchair access and other factors. The audit process also includes identification of legacy signage for removal.
Project Highlights
Our auditors conducted each audit using a custom-made gauge that assists in readily identifying suitable and compliant locations for the new signage.