Henry Lawson Drive Road Upgrade
Project Background
Transport for NSW is implementing an ongoing program of identifying and rectifying congestion hotspots at intersections across Sydney. The southbound lane on Henry Lawson Drive, between Beale St and Rabaul Rd, was identified as contributing to traffic delays and longer journey times for motorists.
TK Business Group was awarded the year-long project management and engineering of the Henry Lawson Drive road upgrade between Beale St to south of Rabaul Rd, from development to delivery including commissioning and asset handover. These roadworks were carried out during 2022-23.

Program Scope
The scope of works for this road infrastructure project included:
- Utilities relocation (Ausgrid, Optus, NBN, Telstra, Sydney Water)
- Installation of additional southbound lane on Henry Lawson Drive between Beale St. and 100m south of Rabaul Rd.
- Increasing the length and capacity of the left turn lane on Henry Lawson Drive prior to Haig Ave, by changing the lane configuration from left only movements to left and through
- Banning right turn movements from Henry Lawson Drive (northbound) to Rabaul Rd (eastbound).
- Installing a new stormwater pipe and replacement headwall immediately south of the Sydney Water sewage pumping station (south of Kentucky Reserve)
- Constructing a new kerb and gutter system along the eastern verge of HLD between Beale St and south of Rabaul Rd, next to the widened road carriageway
Constructing a new 1.2-metre-wide pedestrian footpath on the eastern verge of HLD between Haig Avenue and Rabaul Road.
Project Highlights
Critical items and achievements included:
- Relocation of one 600mm pressurised sewer main and encasement of another 600mm pressurised sewer main which required Flow Isolation and Flow Management applications.
- Redesign and relocation of sewer gravity main adjacent to sewer pump station.
- Management of property adjustments for both residential and commercial properties.
Each of these elements required sensible engineering solutions and astute project management, harnessing TK Business Group’s extensive experience in road construction.